Programmatically control Airbyte through our API

Welcome to the Airbyte API. Enabling you to programmatically interact with Airbyte.

The API is hosted at:

Developers will need to create an API Key within your Developer Portal to make API requests. You can use your existing Airbyte account to log in to the Developer Portal. Once you are in the Developer Portal, use the API Keys tab to create or remove API Keys. You can see a walkthrough demo here 🎦

The Developer Portal UI can also be used to help build your integration by showing information about network requests in the Requests tab. API usage information is also available to you in the Usage tab.

OSS Deployments

Local Airbyte Instance Usage

Docker Compose

If your instance of Airbyte is running locally using docker-compose, you can access the Airbyte API of the local instance by spinning up with the latest docker compose files. You can then make a call to http://localhost:8001/api/public/v1/<endpoint> or the health endpoint at http://localhost:8001/api/public/health. Calls to the Airbyte API through docker compose will go through the airbyte-proxy, which requires basic auth with a user and password supplied in the .env files.


If you are running an instance of Airbyte locally using kubernetes, you can access the Airbyte API of the local instance by:

  1. Setting up a port forward to the airbyte-api-server kube svc by running kubectl port-forward svc/airbyte-airbyte-api-server-svc 8001:80 &
  2. Making a call to http://localhost:8001/api/public/v1/<endpoint> or the health endpoint at http://localhost:8001/api/public/health

OAuth endpoints and workspace updates are not supported in OSS currently.